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Adult Ministries


The Covenant LifeHouse Miniswtries (CLHM) Communications Team supports the staff and all other ministries by coordinating effective and efficient communication to church members and to the surrounding community.


The team covers several ministry duties including (but not limited to):

  • Maintains the CLHM website

  • Manages Social Media  - CLHM Facebook

  • Advertises activities to church members and surrounding communities

  • Prepares press releases about activities, special projects, or ministries for distribution to the local media

  • Creates and maintains communications materials including brochures, welcome packets

  • Produces Moments With You, a bi-monthly newsletter filled with articles that report on the many activities and events of CLHM.  


CLHM’s Choir is a small collection of praisers, both male and female, who first love the Lord, and enjoy each other’s company and fellowship. 


The purpose of this ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ through song, encourage believers in their walk with Christ, lead the congregation in worship and provide an avenue through which individuals may share their gift and be an integral part of the worship. 


If you would like to be part of a ministry whose sole purpose is to usher in a Spirit of Praise, invite others to join in and most of all “worship the Lord in spirit and truth”, consider joining CLHM’s Choir.


Vessels of Honor (VoH) is made up of dancers, who have submitted their talents/gifts for God’s use. The primary goal of this ministry is to enhance individual and/or corporate worship through choreographed dance.

The mission of VoH is to usher in the Holy Spirit through dance, movement, and interpretation by giving reverence to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in a visual form of expression in a way that invites everyone to experience the presence and love of God.


“Don’t you know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who lives in you and who was given to you by God?”-- I   Corinthians 6:19 (TEV)

Jesus’ model for doing ministry involved a holistic approach—which is service to the whole of life—body, mind, and spirit. Therefore, the Health and Wellness holistic ministry approach recognizes that the person is a whole based on Biblical mandates:

Body—Romans 12:1

Mind—II Timothy 1:7

Spirit—Romans 8:9  


The Health and Wellness Ministry objectives are to:

  • Increase preventive Health Education awareness

  • Relate Health and Wellness biblical principles to the youth

  • Expand to Community Health Outreach


This ministry will fulfill the objectives and need by educating people of the vital importance of maintaining healthy bodies, including (but not limited to) proper exercise, nutrition and avoidance of substance abuse. 

The Health and Wellness communication will consist of periodic health announcements to the congregation, regular educational flyers in the weekly bulletin as well as verbal communication with congregation.


Ushers and Greeters are called to be Ministers of Hospitality. They are entrusted with promoting a sense of welcoming and belonging to all those who assemble for worship and fellowship. They minister to the entire congregation and visitors in a very active way. Typically, they are the first people that visitors encounter when attending CLHM. The gift of hospitality is detailed in Romans 12:13, I Timothy 3:2, I Peter 4:9. 

This ministry promotes an atmosphere where all those entering the church will feel welcomed and ensures that people see and experience unconditional love and acceptance from the moment they walk through the doors of Covenant LifeHouse Ministries.


“There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord.” 1 Corinthians 12:4-5

The Minister of Administration assists the pastor of the Church in data administration, and his personal communication channels.  Responsible for facilitating, motivating, innovating and communicating the daily functions of the Church, for example, by writing correspondence and taking telephone messages. Handle the church's official communication, such as the church policies and procedures, magazines and bulletins. Also, produce, edit and distribute print publications, and keeping our information up to date.

There are no special requirements for those who would like to help in the Administration Ministry, although some computer and phone skills would be helpful to prepare various flyers, bulletins and brochures that are provided to inform the church body of the many different ministries, groups and ongoing events that are available for us.

Volunteers also occasionally help with the setting up for events or programs, and most anything else we need help with to keep our church facility running smoothly, and keeping our information up to date.


The very idea that Jesus prayed should let us know the importance of prayer. Jesus prayed often and deliberately. He prayed before performing miracles. He prayed when things seemed impossible. He prayed to give His Father honor. He told us that His House would be a house of prayer. We believe that prayer is the most effective gift that the church has at its disposal. Through prayer we get to reach out to our Creator and have His will done here on earth as it is in Heaven. Church-wide prayer is held for one hour every third Wednesday.

We encourage you to send your prayer requests to us at:


The Women’s Break Away Fellowship meets the first Saturday of every month.

Sometimes it's easiest to find support and help among others who share your situation or outlook. That's where a support group comes in. This group allows women to connect with other women to share support and get through your life’s fight together. The support group is open to the women of Covenant LifeHouse Ministries as well as to the community.

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