Prayer every Tuesday from 6:30 to 7:30 pm via Zoom. For questions, please call or text 443-312-9794
We are in uncharted territory. Everything is different. And yet, everything is the same. Although our temporary circumstances have changed, God remains the same. He is still with us, listening to us, and always extending His peace to our troubled hearts!
Though current guidelines keep us from gathering, the Word of God will still go forth! If you are on Facebook, “Stay Home and Tune In” at 10am for a Facebook Live sermon. The sermon will also be on and YouTube.
An enormous thank you to our members for continuing to contribute to the church during these unprecedented times
Funds maybe also be sent to CLHM via "Zelle" using this email address - " (Note - "Zelle is an easy way to send money directly between any U.S. bank accounts typically within minutes. With just an email address or mobile phone number, you can quickly, safely and easily send and receive money with more people, regardless of where they bank.
Per the congregation request, the Stewards have implemented PayPal.
Add dollar amount
Make sure it says: “Send to a Friend” and NOT “Paying for an item or service”
Add notes: “Tithes and Offering,” “Building Fund” or “Scholarship Fund”
Add your address for shipping
Please inform Pastor Mason if you have issues with PayPal
Note: a fee of 2.9% of each transaction amount plus .30 cents fixed fee based on each transaction
Cash App - The CashTag is "$covenantlifehouse"